What Can Rhinoplasty Do for Your Nose?

rhinoplastyRhinoplasty is a surgical procedure well-known for altering the size and shape of a patient’s nose. Many individuals seek this procedure for both cosmetic and functional reasons, such as to repair the appearance of the nose after an injury or to correct breathing issues.

If you’ve ever wondered about getting nose surgery, here’s what rhinoplasty might be able to do for you.

What Can Rhinoplasty Do?

Change the Size of Your Nose

To achieve a smaller nose, a surgeon may reduce the size of the nasal bridge. Conversely, surgeons also have the option of using cartilage grafts to expand the nose and create more definition. Rhinoplasty often involves the use of a cartilage transplant obtained either from the nasal septum or another part of the patient’s body (typically the ear).

Modify the Bridge or Tip of Your Nose

Even if the rest of your nose bridge and nostrils are ideal, a protruding nose tip might throw off the proportions of your face. Rhinoplasty can help reshape your nose tip so that it follows the line of your bridge and complements your unique face shape.

Dorsum rhinoplasty, sometimes called nose bridge rhinoplasty, is a surgical treatment that alters the size and form of the nose by reshaping its bridge. Several issues with the nose, such as impaired breathing, might also be corrected with this operation.

Change Nostril Width

Nostril reduction surgery is also an option for those who feel self-conscious about the size, shape, or width of their nostrils. This surgical treatment is referred to as alarplasty or alar base reduction, and it is performed to restrict the breadth of the nostrils in order to reduce their size or flaring.

Correct Nasal Alignment

Septoplasty is the procedure most doctors prescribe if you have a crooked nose because of a deviated nasal septum. To correct the septum, a surgeon will typically remove, reposition, and replace some cartilage and bone in the area.

Many patients find that rhinoplasty and septoplasty together (septorhinoplasty) provide the most desirable results, improving both the nose’s aesthetics and functionality. See if you’re a candidate for septorhinoplasty by scheduling a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Schedule a Rhinoplasty Consultation in Rochester, NY

Learn more about rhinoplasty and what it can do specifically for your nose by meeting with one of the skillful plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester. To schedule an appointment, contact (585) 922-5840 today.


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