What can I expect from a breast lift?

istock 157770095Aging, weight changes, pregnancy, gravity and genetics all play a part in the firmness and elasticity of your breasts. If your breasts droop and sag, a breast lift can restore a more youthful contour to your chest and give you more confidence.

Here are seven things you can expect from a breast lift, also known as mastopexy: 

  1.       If your nipples point downward or the fatty tissue of the breast droops below the crease beneath the breasts, you may need a breast lift. Other indications include breasts that appear full below the areola but flatter above it, or breasts are fuller on the sides than the top.
  2.       Good candidates for surgery are women who are in good overall health and are not satisfied with the position of their breasts.
  3.       Women who are not happy with the fullness of their breasts may opt to have a breast lift with augmentation.
  4.       The most common incision type is an anchor-shaped or vertical limited incision, which consists of making an incision around the natural crease of the breasts and vertically to the nipple and areola. Excess skin is removed, and the nipple and areola are lifted to a higher position as the breast is reshaped and the incisions are closed with stitches.
  5.       The size of the areola, which is the darker skin around the nipple on each breast, can be reduced during the procedure.
  6.       You can expect some bruising and swelling for the first several days after this outpatient surgery. You can control discomfort with prescribed pain medication. As soon as they are able, patients are encouraged to get up and moving and walking around their house. Many patients can return to work and light activities one week after surgery as long as their breasts are supported by a surgical or compression garment.
  7.       The breasts will take 3-4 months to settle into their final shape. While you will have visible scarring, the appearance will continue to improve and fade over time.

A breast lift can give your breasts a more youthful appearance. To learn more about this popular cosmetic surgery procedure, schedule a consultation by calling (585) 922-5840 today. 


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