3 Ways You Can Speed Up Your Recovery After Plastic Surgery

Handsome smiling man enjoying day on the beach.Most people worry about the recovery time following cosmetic surgery. They need to know when they can resume work and other activities. When someone else helps you clean or change things in your home, you may have difficulty getting things done. The following tips will help you recover faster after plastic surgery.

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s advice.

Get a tummy tuck, a breast augmentation, or another plastic surgery procedure done without asking Dr. Google too many questions. Instead, follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and good results. You may be able to get a little help moving around your home, depending on your plastic surgeon’s recommendations.

You will be given specific instructions by your plastic surgeon about what you should do and what won’t help. These instructions will include things like: 

  • Which medications you should take and which ones you shouldn’t take. 
  • How long you should wear a compression garment. 
  • What should you do to reestablish your general fitness? 

There may be times when you need help with household chores and other daily activities. You will receive specific instructions regarding the individual recovery process from your plastic surgeon to ensure a rapid recovery.

Get up and move regularly.

Resting and allowing your body to heal are essential, but it doesn’t mean you must confine yourself to a recliner. You will be able to feel more comfortable and recover faster from your surgery by walking around the house or taking a short walk outside every day.

When you have plastic surgery, there is no need to go to the gym or the movies constantly. While you are recovering, you shouldn’t do anything strenuous or dangerous. Listen to your body, allow yourself to rest when needed, and check with your surgeon before doing any strenuous exercise or physical activity.

Eat healthy food and drink lots of water.

You can increase your body’s healing ability by eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. Stay hydrated throughout the day and eat lots of fruits and vegetables and lean protein.

Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, sweet foods, and drinks high in salt and sugar, as doing the opposite can damage your body’s ability to heal. While recovering from plastic surgery, you should limit or avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

We invite you to call our office at (585) 922-5840 for a consultation if you have questions about plastic surgery.


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